Soto Kuning Santan Meat Recipe | cookie recipes | cookie | icing cookies

Soto Kuning Santan Meat Recipe

How to make and Soto Kuning Santan Meat Recipe


500 grams of beef
500 grams of beef fat
2 teaspoons of coriander
2 teaspoons of pepper
5 fried candlenuts
As many as turmeric fingers are first burned
As much as ginger
10 shallots
5 garlic cloves
2 lemongrass sticks that have been crushed
5 leaves without leaves
Royco to taste
Right amount of oil
Salt to taste
2 packs of coconut milk with 65 ml
Just enough water

How to Make Yellow Santan Meat Soto:

Wash the beef first and only dice the fat.
Sauté the mashed herbs (coriander, pepper, pecan, turmeric, ginger, garlic, shallots). Stir briefly over small oil until wilted and dry slightly.
Add the beef and fat into the sauteed seasoning. Stir them evenly.

Add additional spices such as coconut milk and just enough water. Stir until evenly distributed. But not stirring constantly, huh. Just routine. Also add Royco to make it taste better.

Stir until the meat feels tender and blends with the recipe. If you can't make the whole Soto dish textured like this, it seems you should go back to the initial recipe again. Check where the mistake is.

Do not forget, when cooking often tasting so that it feels right.

Once cooked, just serve it above the bowl. Serve with side dishes and rice. Surely your lunch is more festive and nutritious.


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