How to Make Delicious Pancakes? cookie recipes | cookie | icing cookies

How to Make Delicious Pancakes

delicious pancakes

Pancakes are soft cakes with a slightly brownish bottom top and usually topped with syrup or honey. Pancakes are one type of cake that is very much loved for breakfast, in addition to the delicious taste and easy method of making, of course, the carbohydrate content is right to meet the body's needs for daily activities before lunch. This Pancake cake has actually been around since ancient Roman times.

A cake that has a distinctive shape, round and flat, which was originally named Alita Dolcia in Roman, means sweet food, and has the ingredients of flour, milk, and spices. Then the mixture is then roasted using a flat pan and made round. In the Roman era by the community, the presentation of pancakes is usually over pancakes in honey flush or fruit syrup as a sweetener from the cake.
Pancake cakes have started to be known and enjoyed in the European region since the 1430s, Pancakes are also typical foods of Eastern Europeans and are known as Pancake Tuesday which is served a day before Easter. Around the 1870s Pancake cakes began to be widely known in America in other words, Pancakes were one universal dish. No exception in Asia, including Indonesia, which has also been used as a choice for breakfast.
Actually, along with the development of the era, Pancake cake is not only for opening, in England it is also an option for main dishes. Even now the presentation of Pancake cakes is very varied because it is not only flushed with honey or fruit syrup. Apply using a variety of choices such as milk, creamchees, butter, or cheese. Because in Indonesia it is customary to eat unlike in Europe where there are appetizers, main dishes and covers, so pancakes are usually used for breakfast or as a snack when cofe breaks.
For those of you who want to try out how it feels to have breakfast with a delicious Pancake cake don't need to be confused, just make it yourself. The ingredients and methods of making pancakes are fairly easy to practice both by professionals and beginners. If you follow everything written on How to Make Delicious Pancakes, it will work. To be clearer, please read more about How to Make Delicious Pancakes below.

Ingredients for Making Delicious Pancakes:

1.       Provide as much as 250 grams of flour.
2.       Provide 2 eggs for chicken.
3.       Provide 4 teaspoons of margarine and then melt it.
4.       Provide 4 tablespoons of sugar or refined sugar.
5.       Provide 1 cup of liquid milk, or full cream milk to melt.
6.       Provide 1 cup of clear clear water.
7.       Provide half a teaspoon of baking powder.
8.       Provide cheese chedar cut (2cm x 3cm x 3cm). (topping)
9.       Provide enough honey. (topping)

How to Make Delicious Pancakes:

1.       The first step, mix flour, granulated sugar or refined sugar, chicken eggs, liquid milk, backing powder and margarine that has been melted until blended.
2.       After thoroughly blending add water little by little while stirring until the mixture is runny and make sure nothing is lumpy.
3.       Next heat the Teflon first.
4.       After the Teflon is really hot, pour the mixture with one vegetable spoonful into the Teflon or the hot omelet pan, form a round and slightly thin mixture.
5.       If you have formed a small bubble on the top, then turn it until brown, lift it. do this step until the dough runs out.
6.       Place pancakes on a plate and stack up to 2 or 3 pancakes according to taste, place pieces of cheese and flush using honey.
7.       Warm pancakes are ready to be served.
This is the recipe and how to make delicious pancakes that are very easy to practice at home. Usually when holding meetings or seminars in hotels or places that are visited by the middle class and above, Pancake Cake is one of the favorite cofe break dishes. Pancakes are also commonly consumed as snacks during the bad hours, namely between lunch to dinner. Along with the development of the Pancake era, there were already many serving in cafes and doping ice cream and chocolate pasta.

Don't forget to open ttps:// which was uploaded before. On there are various recipes and ways to make them that are described in a language that is easy to understand and easy to practice so you don't have to worry anymore to help you cook today and tomorrow. Hopefully our writing helps you and thanks for reading it, don't forget to help other people by sharing this article in your account. May be useful


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